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Auralite connects one with higher beings, opens up psychic abilities, and promotes healing for one's wellness. It activates the Violet Flame. This grounding stone is also protective.


Auralite 23 is composed of Ajoite, Amethyst, Bornite, Cacoxenite, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Covellite, Epidote, Gilalite, Goethite, Gold, Hematite, Lepidocrocite, Limonite Iron, Magnetite, Nickel, Platinum, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Rutile, Silver, Sphalerite, and Titanite.



Large - 2 - $2.00 each

Medium - 14 - $1.00 each

Small - 34 - $0.50 each



Auralite 23

SKU: CR1118
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